This blog is fully about entertainment and fashion. It contains actors and actresses in all over the world. Films, media, entertainment, magazine, love, romance, games, sports, enjoyment, crush, etc., No porn or adult things here. Only about reality of entertainment and fashion to just give as a news.
Berkley admits she spent years struggling with self-esteem issues after the release of the movie, and she was only able to "shake" the Showgirls image and rediscover her own "worth" five years ago, when she started hosting workshops and writing self-help columns for youngsters.
She tells the New York Post, "I self-funded this one-woman operation, my life priority. It started small. Flying and staying in hotels for free... I needed to find my own worth and shake the image after having done Showgirls at age 21. Reclaiming self-esteem, going through it publicly, not privately, was the pivotal moment. And that's what set me on the path.
"But word of mouth, teacher to teacher, the Girl Scouts and chapters opening around the U.S. have since expanded this... I'm no expert standing at a podium giving speeches. I share heartbeats. Compassion. I create safe space for their journey. I explain these women can connect with one another."
Berkley runs her own Ask-Elizabeth.com website and is due to release a new book called, Ask Elizabeth: Real Answers to Everything You Secretly Wanted To Ask About Love, Friends, Your Body... and Life in General.
After Miley Cyrus told Australian radio hosts that Rebecca Black's success was disappointing to her because she believed it should take more to become an artist than just recording a video and putting it on YouTube, Miley now says that she joins the likes Lady Gaga and Simon Cowell and recognizes the Friday singer's talent. When E! Online caught up with Miley at the Kids' Choice Awards and questioned her about her previous statement, Miley said, "I am a fan of Rebecca Black. I love Rebecca Black. I just got misquoted. I think she's great." And because that statement alone wasn't enough to convince us that she isn't the person who keeps writing that "Rebecca Black is a slut" in Friday's comments, Miley even admitted to performing Black's song, too: "I actually have this really embarrassing video that my sister has on her phone and I'm just waiting till the day that she puts it on YouTube. It's me driving, singing Rebecca Black and my hands are not always on the wheel while I'm singing the song. Not so good." So I guess while we wait for the day that little Noah Cyrus decides enough is enough and posts that video for all to see, let's all sit in silence and ponder the likelihood that someone can be misquoted during a radio interview.
Even though Us Weekly caught Evangeline Lilly walking around in