Lady Gaga was supposed to release her next single, Judas, on April 19th, but a radio station in London played it today so it's now out in the open. After some serious "Judaaaaas Judah ah-ahs" and some heavy thuds that crush down on your eardrums like the steel-toed boots of army instructors, we're then thrown into some verses that explain how even though he's an apostle that's known to betray his pals, Lady Gaga still welcomes Judas into her life and will always forgive him. Because you know, she's just in love with him, and what are you supposed to do with an asshole that you're still in love with, other than write a song that sounds like Bad Romance, but is only different because part of the chorus is sung by crows you yanked off a scarecrow and cuffed to a microphone? Just kidding, that was for the rest of you. I actually like this song. Just pretend you're driving your car on a rural Nevada highway, the sun is setting, and you're looking for a dune to pull over into so you can have sex with your boyfriend. This song is for that scene in particular.
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