Poor Kristen Stewart claims her school teachers were the worst in the world because they didn't send her homework assignments to her while she was off being a childhood actress. In an interview with Britain's GQ magazine, Stewart discusses how she ended up having to be home schooled due to her teachers' lack of work ethic, confessing, “School became genuinely uncomfortable. I was feeling a little self-conscious about the acting thing with my peers, but also my teachers became a problem. They didn’t want to do the extra work or put packages together so I could keep up while away." The actress goes on to say, “They failed me. My teachers failed me. Not one, but all of them. I’m always slightly ashamed in a way, about what I do. I’m slightly embarrassed as I had such serious ambitions when I was younger, I just never imagined that I would ever have a reason not go to school. But then this happened." Talk about a hard life.

The nerve of those teachers! To think they concentrated on teaching the other 20 plus kids who actually came to class instead of sending nice little care packages to our working girl, K-Stew. Forget that she could have easily hired a tutor and was basically getting paid to miss school for long periods of time -- Kristen couldn't enjoy any of it because her teachers refused to double their workload to make sure she was all caught up on the classwork while she was away. Some people are so self involved.

The nerve of those teachers! To think they concentrated on teaching the other 20 plus kids who actually came to class instead of sending nice little care packages to our working girl, K-Stew. Forget that she could have easily hired a tutor and was basically getting paid to miss school for long periods of time -- Kristen couldn't enjoy any of it because her teachers refused to double their workload to make sure she was all caught up on the classwork while she was away. Some people are so self involved.
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